Saturday market has opened in the Plazuela Zaragoza. It’s a little ways from my apartment, but not too bad, so I decided to check it out. Too many gringos for me, and too many north of the border products being sold. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice little farmer’s market thing, and I’m sure the products are good. Maybe after I’ve been here a few years and start feeling the need for a reminder of things left behind it will have more appeal 🙂
On my sojurn for the burrito the other day I passed a small shop that had talavera style flower pots for 45 pesos. The ones in the market in Guadalajara were 50, so I’m thinking this is a deal to be had! The plazuela is about halfway so I decided to make another visit. Unfortunately, at 8:30 am on a Saturday they were closed. Just something to do on another day!
I decided to walk the busy street home (Aquiles Serdan). It goes past both the mercado, and where the shrimp ladies sell. The shrimp smell wasn’t too bad early in the morning! I can say, from experience, that it’s a little ripe in late afternoon! Between the shrimp ladies and the mercado is a department store called Coppel. I bought my couch and television there. On the side of their building is a taco stand. It’s always busy. I hadn’t had any breakfast today, and after all the walking decided to give them a try. Two tacos de birria and a horchata. I’m going to say that the birria at my favorite place in Seattle is better than anything I’ve had in México, with the possible exception of the birria de chivo in El Fuerte. I like goat over cow any day. Back to breakfast – Tacos were really good, the horchata not too sweet, and they even gave me a cup of broth (not all places do). The birria was the most flavorful I’ve had in Mazatlán. They asked if I wanted my birria soft or hard – which isn’t a question I’ve had before! My favorite place in Seattle asks about the tripa, but never the birria 🙂 50 pesos for the two tacos + horchata. Not terribly expensive, but a little more than most places. Personally I think I’d rather give them the extra 10 pesos and have their birria mas rico!
And now I’m 2,500 steps from my daily goal, so I think I’ll nap the tacos off, and then make another excursion a little later!