If you own a home in Mazatlán, with the new year comes your annual property tax bill.
Not only are property taxes very low in Mazatlán, but you can easily pay them at a bank, an Oxxo, a Kiosko, and even online. Yes, this is one of the bills you can pay online with a bank card not issued in México! If you haven’t done so already, take a little visit to their website at: https://servicios.mazatlan.gob.mx/ and select ‘Predial Urbano’. You’ll need the ‘Clave Catastral’ number, which is printed at the top left of the bill (it doesn’t change, so you can use last year’s bill as a reference).
Note that you can also use this website to pay your Jumapam bills, by clicking on the ‘Agua Potable’ button instead. They also list traffic tickets and Ángela Peralta theatre ticket payments as options. I can’t speak to the traffic ticket process as I don’t drive here, but the theatre option has always returned a ‘Site down for maintenance’ response for me.
So, welcome to the new year! Grab your coffee and wallet, click on the link, and take care of that pesky little annual bill while it’s still fresh in your head!