9 February, 2019

My laptop is having an issue with it’s cooling fan, so I’m a little behind with updates …

Activities this week include my trip to the local office of Instituto Nacional de Migración here in Mazatlán. I’ll be making a dedicated post when the process is complete so we can skip to the more important doings this week.

Monday night I was too tired to go shopping, and so I just made my way to Via Condotti for a pizza and a beer. Could only eat half the pizza, so the rest became breakfast on Tuesday before the trip to the mercado for a little shopping.

Wednesday I did my walk and stopped at Burro Gordo for lunch. Had their small “El Corral” and my beloved Toni-Col. It was almost not enough, but the grande size would have put me into a food coma! I really enjoy Burro Gordo, and one of these days I’ll take advantage of their free delivery. This was also the day I walked to INM, so when I looked at my fitbit it told me I did 21,000 steps! My feet were burning 🙂

El Burro Gordo Menu. I had the Muuuu.

Thursday I zombied at home. I did run up to the mercado and had a burger at Tony’s, but that was the extent of my wanderings.

Friday I made the hike to La Marea. I was only a little more winded than normal, so I’m not too far out of shape from when I left. Had a most excellent shrimp burger. Juicy, but not sloppy-fall-apart like a lot of them are.

Saturday (today) the walk took me to Tacos y Tortas Ahogadas “El Mono” where I had another torta ahogada. I’m going to start telling them to use pan soave – the roll this time wasn’t very soft and was hard to eat with the spoon. Yes, I took my hand sanitizer! 🙂

They’re not too far from me, so I decided to go on another walk to see the sunset. I decided since I was near, I might as well stop in the new Italian restaurant, Piccola Roma, and try the chicken cacciatore. It was different. Not in a bad way, just not what I was expecting. All the other cacciatore’s I’ve had have been tomato based. This wasn’t – it was olive oil, balsamic, and a few other things. It was tasty, just not the taste I was expecting. I would order it again. Strangely, the cook brought it to my table – just a plate of chicken pieces with sauce over them. The owner and my waiter brought bread and my salad separately. I’d suggest that they stop serving it on a plate, and purchase some oval bowls that are more appropriate to sauced meals. Oh, and they forgot to give me a napkin, which thankfully I didn’t need 🙂 My next item to try here is the lasagna. Am looking forward to see what they do with it to make it unlike other lasagnas!

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