12 March, 2019

Another delay in the saga of getting temporary residency in México! I didn’t plan on things happening quickly – things rarely do in México, and it’s even rarer that they do for me!

On 27 February I had my fingerprinting session at immigration. After pushing my digits firmly onto the paper, I was told to come back in 10 days for my residency card. So my head automatically added a few days to that. 10 days would be 9 March, which was a Saturday (they’re closed on Saturdays), so I thought that perhaps going in on Monday the 11th might suffice. Hahahahahaha (or in México, jajajajajaja)!!! Second in line Monday at 9:00 am, to find that the person who creates the cards (apparently they’re done here, which is different from other locations) is on vacation. Of course she is!

The desk clerk, whom I smile at as I secretly wish that hoards of hormigas will invade her home, tells me to call on Friday to see if I should come in. Gives me a number and an extension and says that yes, they will be able to speak English. We will see. I am not going to hold my breath – but both my INAPAM (senior discount) and Seguro Popular (medical insurance) enrollments require that I have the residency card in hand. I was hoping to use the INAPAM discount on my upcoming trip to Puerto Vallarta (50% off on bus trips), but I’m going to get the tickets without it to be safe. Seguro Popular is being reformed and rolled into the other medical insurance available in México – and won’t cover pre-existing conditions any longer. I don’t think it’s happened in Sinaloa yet, but waiting isn’t the best of ideas. If I can get enrolled, I’ll have at least 3 years of coverage before I have to enroll in whatever flavor of insurance is available then.

So, saga on hold. Tomorrow I will run to the bus station for tickets. Friday I will call immigration. Maybe by the time I get back from Puerto Vallarta the card will be ready!

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