Last night, from approximately 3:00 am until 3:30 am, tropical storm Ivo came through Mazatlán. In that half hour, three and a half inches of rain fell! Wind speed was almost 40 mph! Needless to say, there were a lot of streets underwater. Around 4:00 am the rain started again, but without intensity. Rain fell, off and on, until about 9:00 am today.
And that’s not to mention the lightning and thunder! Before the storm totally woke me up this morning, I thought “why am I seeing lights flash when my eyelids are closed?”! Then the thunder boomed, and I popped out of bed to open the curtains and watch the show!
I needed to venture out this morning to take my clothes to my lavandaria and had to wade through several intersections. One of the main drags, Miguel Alemán, was a river for several blocks. And I’m not exaggerating, the water was up over the sidewalks. Residents of several of the houses I passed were pushing water out of their homes.
The street I live on gradually slopes, and when the city repaved a couple of years ago, they didn’t pave all the way to the sidewalks, so there are ‘gutters’ the rain can travel down. When I looked out the window a little after 3:00 am, I couldn’t even see across the street, so I’m not sure the gutters were working, but my building and the section of street out front didn’t flood.
My property manager said her power was out, and she thinks she heard a transformer near her blow up during the storm. Hopefully she’s back up and running! Seattle has a storm like this, almost always at Thanksgiving. Winds blow, rain falls, it’s just not 75 degrees at 3:00 am, so there’s not much lightning and thunder. But it usually kicks the power grid’s ass, and leaves many in the proverbial dark for several hours.
Here’s an article and a “shock and awe” photo. Evidently there was a street that was severely flooded – mine were bad, but not that bad.