15 July, 2020

I can state without doubt, that Summer has fully bloomed in Mazatlán. Usually I can tell by the start of the rainy season, but it’s only rained three times and just long enough each time to flood one or two streets briefly.

This time I had to rely on my second trick – the ability to shower comfortably, before 11 am, without touching the hot water knob. I think perhaps it’s time that I can safely shut the hot water tank down for a few months – my tinaco is heating up quite nicely just by the early morning sun!

I made a run to the mercado Pino Suarez today. I was totally out of chicken/beef/pork, and the determining factor – coffee! I drink Marino, which reminds me a lot of Folgers. Strangely a 1 kg can of their ‘Tueste Especial’ is 30 pesos cheaper than the regular roast. There were many more people out and about than previously. Most everyone had masks on. The mercado still has one entrance and one exit available. Sanitizer was squirted in my hand as I entered – but the guy with the temperature gun wasn’t there today. Tomorrow will be the supermercado for a loaf of bread, peanut butter, jelly, and some eggs. And since I have a couple kilo’s of masa from my inattention to labels a few trips ago, I need to pop over to the fun kitchen shop and pick up a tortilla press.

For those that haven’t been to the fun kitchen shop, make your way to the corner of Luis Zuñiga and Azueta. Here’s a Google Map link: https://www.google.com/maps/@23.2059037,-106.4204388,3a,75y,81.06h,83.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6rdwPnHZKGCqLcPHNYGbOQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. The one showing on Google Maps has some talavera style items that are MUCH cheaper than what you’ll find at Shark’s Dean in the Gold Zone. I found the prices to be comparable to prices in Tonála. There’s also another shop almost next door that has a variety of kitchen items as well.

If you’re there a little after noon, you can go a couple of stores down and get some tasty chicken to go from Pechugon! Google Maps is from 2014 so they don’t show on the map, but they’re right there at the corner. Make sure you get some of the potatoes that they cook in the dripping chicken fat! And be like me and don’t tell your diet about it!

And for those that aren’t in Mazatlán and are in need of a little shot in the arm – here’s a video from Sinaloa En Linea …

Carpe Olivera
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