1 July, 2022

Torta Ahogada
Torta Ahogada desde “El Mono”

Just a little update on Tacos y Tortas Ahogadas “El Mono” (corner of Zaragoza and German Evers. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elmono.tortasahogadas). They, like most other places recently, have had a little increase in the price of their menu offerings. Tortas Ahogadas are now 65 pesos each. Delivery, at least to my location, is still 5 pesos. This is the second price increase in 3 weeks, so hopefully they settle down for a while! If you don’t need a plastic spoon, or the limes, please let them know so they can save a few centavos.

Also a caveat – I sometimes make the mistake of putting my hands into the bag that contains the onions in the salsa de arbol. Then I regret it as either my hand burns for a few hours, or I don’t scrub my hands well enough and then scratch an itch in a sensitive place; and again the regret (to varying degrees depending on where the itch was) makes a visit. Save yourself the anguish and use a fork!

Another price increase I noticed was at Loncheria Zambrano (Aquiles Serdan near Ángel Flores). Their Tortas de Pierna are also now 65 pesos. Their tortas are very very big, and if you don’t eat a lot one of their sandwiches could definitely be two meals, especially if you add a side dish or two. (Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoncheriaZambrano). There’s a little video about them here: https://fb.watch/d-0P4Gh9qQ/ that shows the torta and their tostada.

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